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The Pros and Cons of Duplicate Keys

The Pros and Cons of Duplicate Keys

No doubt, key duplication has some advantages for both home, vehicle, and real estate managers. But, as with any other solution, it comes with some disadvantages which aren’t known to non-professionals. Here are the pros and cons of duplicate keys. However, do not hesitate to contact GreenPro Locksmith for all key duplication and rekeying or installation needs.

Pros of Duplicate Keys 

  • Convenience

The main reason people go for duplicate keys is convenience! Whether it is a spare ignition for your automobile, apartment, or store, having a duplicate means you need not worry about being locked out. Also, it makes it possible to grant access to relatives or friends without giving each of them a key every time they visit.

  • Safety

In an urgent situation, duplicate keys come in handy in helping grant access to strangers. If you need someone to get into your home swiftly and check on an elderly relative or feed the animal on a sudden trip, a duplicate key would give you the confidence to do that.

  • Cost-Effective

Despite the low cost of getting a key duplicate done, it is still cheaper than spending excessively during emergencies. Usually, emergency lockout situations are more expensive and time-consuming.

Cons of Duplicate Keys

  • Security Concerns

The more keys that are in circulation, the bigger the chances of your security being compromised! Even though you do trust the folks with the duplicates, sometimes, keys could go missing or be stolen.

  • Quality Control

Essentially, locks and keys are different. Inaccurately produced copies of keys may not work as required, leading to frustration and possible lock destruction. It's better to have the copies crafted by reliable locksmiths or key manufacturers.

  • False Sense of Security

Key duplication can be confusing for real estate managers with numerous apartments. In some instances, they may get confused and without their knowledge, your security could be compromised. And this may as well create security breaches.

Is It Worth Getting One?

Making up one's mind whether to get a duplicate Depends on your unique circumstance. You may as well weigh the pros and cons. Along with that, ask a locksmith for guidance. Also, follow this procedure:

  • Use a trusted service to ensure the quality of the duplicate.
  • Keep a list of people with duplicates and if possible, monitor usage.
  • Intermittently, check on who needs access to make sure that the level of security on your property is safe.


Multiple duplicates of keys can be extremely useful when you need them, but you have to be careful at all times not to let anyone compromise your security. This can help you to arrive at a decision that is certainly tailored to your unique circumstances with the benefits and drawbacks taken into consideration.

If at all you misplace your keys, feel free to call GreenPro Locksmith for help. We are a trusted locksmith service provider offering the newest technology at a pocket price for all your lock-related needs.

Also, if you need key duplication or rekeying, please reach out as soon as possible.

May 06, 2024
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